Ostdeutschland als Mutterland der deutschen
Siedlungen in Mittelpolen
by Albert Breyer
First published 1935
in: Deutsche Monatshefte in Polen, Jahrg. 2(12), Heft 1/2, Jul/Aug 1935
In this article Breyer presents the origin of three different classes of ethnic Germans in Poland:
1. rural settlers, 2. citizens and craftsmen, 3. the clergy, teachers and the self-employed.
This is a quite unusual selection, since the third group is too small to be subject of a settlement "movement". The title also doesn't really fit to the content of the article.
The explanation is, that this article originally had been a talk that Breyer gave in front of clergymen and teachers and that had been reused - unchanged - as an article in "Deutsche Monatshefte in Polen".
The article is interesting since Breyer describes here the method as well as the sources that he uses for his research work.
The article also lists the many places of origin that Breyer had compiled from various church books.