The cemetery of Budy Kaleńskie is located a bit south of the street No. 582. It can be reached by using a country lane.
The rotten cemetery cross is lying at the side of the lane and points to the cemetery. The cemetery seems to be located on an artificial hill, bordered at two sides by ditches. There are old oaks and old pine trees. There are no gravestones but a lot of garbage. Besides some seemingly old trenches there is an unusual quantity of small, new holes. It seems as if the cemetery has been searched by people using metall detectors, who had been digging those small holes.
A mouldered human thigh bone and a part of a pelvic bone show that some time ago there also must have been some deeper digging going on.
What is the reason for this desecration of graves? A hint can be found in the documents of the German Bundesarchiv [Ost-Dok 1 / 127, 326 Szczawin]. An eye witness (Gustav T.) reports that in January 1945 he had to help to bury 96 German soldiers and 18 civilians, who had been killed when the Red Army took the area, in a mass grave at the cemetery of Budy Kaleńskie.
So it seems to be the hunt for military insignia which caused the digging on this cemetery. If the grave robbers would have done a bit more research, they would have found out that the dead bodies were naked when they were buried and that the digging would not bring up goods which can be sold.