South of the south-east end of the lake near Krzywie there is a big rectangular and artificially rised area.
In the older Polish maps this area is marked as a cemetery. The newer Polish maps show in Krzywie a battlefield and a monument. There are no bushes on the area and only two birch trees, one in the north-west the other in the south-east corner. Drawing an imaginary line through both birches and drawing this line further to the street, leads to a point at the street, where another birch tree is situated. Coincidence?
There are no traces of single graves or grave stones. But an older inhabitant of the village confirms, that this is a cemetery. But he does not know, what kind of cemetery it is.
Source information for this cemetery was found in: 1:25.000.
Photos and other contributions for the documentation of this cemetery were provided by: Jutta Dennerlein.
You can choose your starting point from the following item list of the Krzywie cemetery or return to your query at the Cmentarze Index page.
The area is kept clean of bushes. There are only two birch trees in oposite corners. I'm standing in the shadow of one of the birch trees. The other is seen in the far corner.