The cemetery of Olszynki was rather hard to find, since there are no country lanes or any other kind of paths leading there. It is located on a little hill at the edge of the wood. From the east the cemetery can be reached by crossing a meadow and a birch/pine plantation. The fallen over cemetery cross confirms the area of being a cemetery. The big wooden cross originally stood at the highest point of the hill, surrounded by oaks. The oaks seem to be old, but not very old (the trunks show diameters of about 50 centimeters). Lilac and lily of the valley are also found on the small hill. There are no signs of graves.
The meadow east of the cemetery has been the location of a house. Lilac growing in a half circle, a heap of broken brick stones (the fallen down chimney) and the broken parts of a well are all which is left of the house. There were also many pieces of bog iron. It is very likely that the barn or the stable were made of these porous, russet stones.
Photos and other contributions for the documentation of this cemetery were provided by: Jutta Dennerlein.
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