The cemetery of Nowa Wieś / Rumunki is located in the southern part of the village and can be reached by a sandy country road. The cemetery forms a sharply marked rectangular area of huge trees and Lilac bushes within the surrounding fields.
Underneath the big trees large areas have been kept open as meadow containing large amounts of Lilly of the Valley. The Lilac bushes have been reduced to the edges of the cemetery and some picturesque groups in the inner parts. This cemetery is obviously well-kept and can easily be accessed.
In the center of the cemetery the remains of the large wooden cemetery cross can be found. There seem to be no visible traces of graves. In the south east corner of the cemetery and exposed to the road a small gravestone made from reddish granite with an inscription can be found. The stone is probably not on it's original place.
Source information for this cemetery was found in: Szałygin 2004.
Photos and other contributions for the documentation of this cemetery were provided by: Jutta Dennerlein.
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