The cemetery of Januszew is located about 600 meters south of the street to Iłów, at the edge of the wood. A country lane is leading there. The cemetery is heavily overgrown with lilac. A small path leads to some of the monuments near the border of the cemetery. From the distance the cemetery looks like a lot of bushes with huge trees west of the country lane. On the east side of the country lane another part of the cemetery had existed. This part has been plowed in the 1960s.
An old man reports, that there had been a lof of iron crosses with inscription plates in form of a heart (names were: Schaffrück, Rossol, Ratz, Wiese (?)). The iron crosses had been removed. He also says that in the mid-1980s the big cemetery cross had been removed. At the same time the former prayer and school house of Januszew had been destroyed by arson.
Photos and other contributions for the documentation of this cemetery were provided by: Annegret Krause, Jutta Dennerlein.
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